Why hits?
A hit is a song everyone recognizes, a movie everyone can quote, a show everyone is buzzing about. Simply put, a hit is a success in any genre or any format. Hits stand out. They are memorable and widely talked about. They are powerful economic multipliers.
Our Name
It’s the 4th time our founders, Teddy Lynn and Mark Himmelsbach, have worked together. In TV production, the 4th episode was colloquially known as the ‘elbow’. It was often the episode where you heard if you were renewed or cancelled – if you were a hit or not. And it is arguably the biggest hit of all time, especially if you are a Star Wars fan.
Our Location
Over the past two years our team has spread out coast to coast. We now work remotely except for three days a month when we gather in-person as a team in a different city. This year we will travel to D.C., Los Angeles, Nashville, San Francisco, Dallas and more.
Our Team
In order to deliver hits across a broad range of genres, our team needs to be truly flexible, with a variety of diverse backgrounds. Among our core team of 15, and almost 100 annual contractors, our people come with backgrounds which span the advertising, media, sports, publishing and entertainment landscape.
Our Process
We use a fast four-stage process. It incorporates proprietary data, our own award winning creativity, and an unmatched network of collaborators including Grammy winners, Oscar Winners, Emmy winners, professional athletes, professors, and more.
Our Data
What would you do with your free time or extra money?
RYA™ has that answer for any audience down to 1% of the US population.
RYA™ is a proprietary and living data set with inputs from over 60,000 people. It can tell you what any audience would like to watch, listen to, read, attend, experience, and eat across 180 genres and 20 actions.
We survey 1,000 new people each week so we can understand trends over time and provide insights on what Americans would do with their free time and extra money.
Strategists love RYA™ because it gives them a fresh, nuanced, and surprising understanding of their target audience.
Creative teams love RYA™ because it gives them a broader array of jumping off points to kick start their concepting of content and experiences.
Brands and clients love RYA™ because it gives them the data, and therefore the confidence, to buy bigger, bolder, and more innovative creative ideas.
Learn more at AskRYA.com
Episode Four Radio
Every Episode Four employee must submit the 100 song Soundtrack of Their Life. These lists make up our company playlist on Spotify which play each day in our office. So any time a song comes on someone can provide a story to go along with it. If you want to hear what is playing in our headphones right now, you can listen to Episode Four radio on Spotify.